Trials Wipeout 2017 Results

Trials Wipeout 2017 Results Average ratng: 4,5/5 6662 votes

Photo courtesy of IllumitexIs the future of greenhouse lighting in LEDs? Dennis Riling, senior horticulture scientist at Illumitex, believes so. Greenhouse Management spoke with Riling to learn more. Greenhouse Management: What makes LEDs part of the future of greenhouse production?Dennis Riling: Dr. Both from Rutgers believes that in 10 years greenhouses will have converted 100% from HPS to LED technology and we agree.

Jun 11, 2017  PS4 WipEout Omega Collection. Those time trials times are not even funny. Fastest ship i got is a qirex (90 speed) I still need more than a second to beat it. You can change the wipeout HD difficulty when you are in the mission select screens by pressing square. The default difficulty (most likely what you were playing on) is medium. Results from two early-phase clinical trials suggest that a form of immunotherapy that uses genetically engineered immune cells may be highly effective in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. Both trials used CAR T cells that were engineered to target a protein on myeloma cells called B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA). Although most patients in the trials had good responses to the.

Traditional technologies have been used for over 60 years. However, much like many other industries, it is time for producers to move from an analog technology into the digital age. Moving to LED gives growers the ability to reduce their energy costs as well as maintenance costs of not having to replace HPS bulbs. LED also gives greenhouse operators the ability to manipulate and elicit specific plant responses (such as better taste, fuller leaves, or increase in color content). It aids in the optimization of their production to achieve specific plant goals. LED technology is being used to improve the quality of the product, reduce operating expenses, increase profitability, and provide a more sustainable solution. Compared to traditional lighting, LED fixtures have been reported to be 40-50% more efficient at the same output levels. GM: How would you recommend growers implement LEDs into their operations?DR: It is crucial that growers work with a company that understands plant science and knows how the conditions in the environment change when switching from a HPS system to a LED system. Knowing the effects on different growing parameters and its impact on plant growth is the best way to ensure success.

Illumitex is a horticultural solutions company, not just a lighting company. Our horticulturalist on staff work directly with the growers when designing the system, as well as ongoing even after installation to ensure optimal growth and success is achieved. GM: Illumitex has a beta system that will be available next year. What can you tease about that system?DR: Illumitex is developing our digital scouting platform with high resolution imaging technology that integrates into any company’s sensor and software system so the data from the grow environment can be correlated and cross referenced to the plant images. The system can detect plant issues like chlorosis, necrosis, and other deficiencies, as well as plant pathogens, notifying the grower to investigate further. We have been currently beta testing this in multiple facilities for the last 8 months and have been developing specific algorithms and applications. We can help the growers benefit from the already existing intimacy between lights and plants. By developing the right camera sensor technology and software, they can take advantage of the existing infrastructure and hardware in their lighting technology.

We are excited to give growers data, that they control and own, to help them make better or faster decisions. We plan on launching this in the summer of 2018. GM: What advantages can LEDs give growers over their competition?DR: The advantages go beyond energy efficiency. We increase plant growth by consistently providing the appropriate DLI per crop being grown thus increasing additional harvests per year. Our goal is to increase the growth rate and quality of the product so the greenhouse operation is more profitable and sustainable from an environmental and business standpoint. — Interviewed by Chris Manning.

Photo courtesy of BergerSometimes, growers can underestimate the importance of growing media and how it can take their operation to the next level. Below, Berger Technical Supervisor Pierre-Marc de Champlain explains how the right growing media can save growers money, how to choose the right media, and more. Greenhouse Management: What are some of the trends you see in growing media?Pierre-Marc de Champlain: Wood fiber has definitely been growing over the last few years. We’ve been manufacturing products with wood fiber for four or five years. I think initially growers were skeptical to use it, but there are now significant improvements made with those products.

We know how to use them much better now. In terms of seeding mixes, we see growers moving toward products with much lower, if any, starter charge in the mix to have more control over their initial fertilizations. GM: What advantages can wood fiber offer growers?PC: It is renewable product, so it’s a greener product compared to vermiculite or perlite.

It’s also sourced more locally than the ore of vermiculite or perlite, which often comes from Africa or Brazil or Greece. It’s also more compressible, so you can also use more per bale for a given weight. It's very low density, even compared to peat moss. It offers a big advantage for shipping.

GM: Why is getting a quality growing media mix important for growers?PC: I see growing media as the foundation. If you build a strong foundation and get off to a good start, it’s a lot easier later on to get nice uniform results and the results you’re actually looking for. But if you start off with a rotten foundation, or have a foundation with some issues, you’re going to have issues down the line. GM: Why is investing in a good growing media mix worthwhile for growers?PC: A lot of growers look at the initial price of the growing media and that’s all they look at.

They see what they’re paying off the bat and they don’t see what they could be saving by using a high-quality mix. So, you pay a little bit more initially, but you get your money back, and more, if you have fewer losses. GM: How can Berger help growers select the right growing media?PC: When we have a new customer, we look at what they’re producing, and we have a strong technical team that has worked in all kinds of environments and situations. We’re in a strong position to be able to make the right recommendation.

We’re used to making a match with a particular situation for growers. Sometimes we do a small portion of their production through trials and then increase production over time.

The proof is in the pudding — you see it in the results. — Interviewed by Chris Manning. Photo courtesy of BayerBreeding year-round and colonizing on leaf undersides, whiteflies may be difficult to control, but proven control methods exist, explains Dr. Aaron Palmateer, Green Solutions Team specialist and senior technical service representative with Bayer. Greenhouse Management: What are the symptoms and signs of a whitefly infestation?Dr.

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Aaron Palmateer: When actively feeding, whiteflies can cause leaves to turn yellow and then brown as the leaf tissue dies. Large colonies typically develop on the undersides of leaves, laying tiny oblong eggs ranging from yellow to white in color.

After they hatch, the young whiteflies go through four nymphal stages, with winged adults emerging from the last stage. GM: How do whiteflies affect your crop?AP: All stages of whiteflies feed by sucking plant juices from leaves and excreting excess liquid as drops of honeydew. In addition to the destructive feeding damage, the honeydew excretions provide a source of nutrition for sooty mold fungi, which readily colonize plant tissues as they feed on the honeydew and cause any affected surfaces to blacken and ultimately reduce overall plant quality. GM: Why are whiteflies so difficult to control?AP: In warmer climates, whiteflies can breed year-round and quickly build up to high numbers on susceptible plants. Colonies occur on the underside of leaves, making them difficult to target. Over the years, whiteflies have also developed resistant populations that can withstand triple the amount of insect control products that was successful a decade ago. This makes it important to rotate insecticides with different modes of action. It’s good stewardship not to apply more than two sequential applications of any insecticide within the same Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) group.

GM: What cultural practices can growers implement to protect their plants from whiteflies?AP: Identify and closely monitor plants known to host high whitefly populations, then isolate affected plants and break off leaves supporting high infestations. Ornamental plants that are highly attractive to whiteflies include poinsettia, hibiscus, ivy, gerbera daisy, lantana, verbena, garden chrysanthemum, salvia and mandevilla.

Weeds can also be favorable hosts for whiteflies and should be removed or controlled with herbicides. Yellow sticky traps can aid in monitoring and may help to reduce high populations. GM: Are there any new developments in whitefly control?AP: Altus® insecticide was recently introduced to the ornamental market to control sucking pests. It is an entirely new class of chemistry, butenolide, placed in IRAC group 4D.

It is upwardly systemic and has translaminar capabilities, allowing it to move readily through leaf tissue. Thus, foliar applications over the plant canopy will target insect pests found on the underside of leaves. Altus is labeled for use before, during and after bloom. Photo courtesy of Argus ControlsAn ideal control system should be customized to each grower’s requirements and adaptable to their changing needs to operate their facilities exactly the way they want. Jeff Neff, senior application technician with Argus Controls, explains what key elements a complete control system should include, as well as how to choose a system based on an operation’s specific needs.

Greenhouse Management: What elements can a complete control system cover?Jeff Neff: It is important to understand that a control system is a long-term investment that will be connected to the entire operation. A complete control system should be able to address the following elements to ensure an integral solution is being implemented: climate control — which includes CO2 enrichment, irrigation, fertigation, water treatment, heat distribution, energy management, data sharing and custom applications. GM: What is the criteria for choosing a control system?JN: Choosing a control system is not an easy task. Alone lyrics heart. However, you might want to choose a solution that covers and integrates four main areas: alarms, data recording, equipment monitoring, and remote connection. Another important feature is the ability to override the equipment at the panel.

In some situations, it is important to have the ability to use a manual switch. GM: Why should a control system be versatile?JN: Every operation has different and specific needs, and only a custom-made solution can provide maximum efficiency. For example, you might need a combined panel with line voltage and controllers in one package made specific for only one of your zones. Also, it is important to consider growth and unforeseen changes in the operation — you want to make sure that your control system adapts to your changing needs even if you don’t have to address all those issues at first.

GM: Why is it important to define your control needs in the planning stage?JN: A control system is designed and installed based on the horticultural requirements of the operation. Once the needs have been identified, the next step is to find a system that can provide a long-term solution to your plan, and finally, you should define the control application for your control system. Always have in mind that the horticultural requirements should define the system specifications and not let your system limitations define your control system design. GM: What elements define a reliable control system?JN: In my opinion, a control system should include the following: remote 24/7 support and service, a system that is equipped with lighting protection circuitry, a solution that provides routine backups of settings and software, and one that can easily replace hardware with minimal technical expertise, as this will help reduce downtime.

The first time psychiatrist gave an infusion of ketamine to a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, she was nervous. After all, while ketamine is approved by the Federal Drug Administration as an anesthetic, it is also an illicit party drug known as “Special K,” with hallucinogenic effects and the potential for abuse.“As a physician, you take an oath to do no harm,” said Rodriguez, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the. “There are caveats with ketamine. People can feel disassociated, like they are floating; some feel nauseated.”But the results simply astonished her.The patient was a 24-year-old woman who had for years spent eight hours a day checking and rechecking that objects were precisely in place, due to her obsessions with symmetry and exactness.

Midway through the 40-minute ketamine infusion, the patient said all obsessive thoughts and urges had suddenly disappeared.“She was a lovely student who was very debilitated by her OCD,” said Rodriguez, who was an assistant professor at Columbia University at the time of this study of an individual patient, in 2009. “When I gave her the infusion, she was describing what she was feeling. About 20 minutes into the infusion, she just looked at me, eyes wide open, and said, ‘I feel like this weight has been lifted. Like I’m having a vacation from my OCD.’“It was a very surreal moment. I thought, ‘Is she really saying that?’ I remember my heart was racing.

I went back to my lab and said, ‘You will not believe this: It works.’” Fresh hopeKetamine has brought fresh hope to a field desperate to find new treatments for hard-to-treat disorders such as severe OCD, a chronic condition marked by debilitating obsessions and repetitive behaviors. Current treatments, which include antidepressants such as Prozac, can take months to have any effect on the disease, if they work at all.“Severe OCD takes such a toll on patients,” Rodriguez said.

“The constant, intrusive thoughts that something is contaminated, the checking and rechecking, the repetitive behaviors. It interferes with your life, your jobs, your relationships.” Severe OCD takes such a toll on patients.Over the past 10 years, dozens of small studies have reported remarkable results in the use of ketamine to treat a variety of mood and anxiety disorders. Findings include the sudden alleviation of treatment-resistant depression, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. And these effects lasted days, sometimes weeks, after the hallucinogenic effects of the drug wore off.Ketamine was developed in the 1960s and has been used for decades as an anesthetic during surgery. It can cause dissociative side effects — hallucinations and other psychotic-like symptoms — and has been used as a recreational drug. If used regularly, it can lead to dependence. It remains a mystery just how the drug works in the brain, and there are safety concerns about.

But researchers like Rodriguez are intrigued about the drug’s potential to help them identify a whole new line of medicines for fast-acting treatment of mental health disorders.“What most excites me about ketamine is that it works in a different way than traditional antidepressants,” Rodriguez said. “Using ketamine, we hope to understand the neurobiology that could lead to safe, fast-acting treatments. I feel that is part of my mission as a physician and researcher.” ‘Right out of a movie’Rodriguez’s interest in ketamine as a treatment for OCD was sparked about a decade ago when she was starting out as a research scientist at Columbia University. A small, placebo-controlled study published in 2006 by a mentor of hers, MD, now chief of the section on neurobiology and treatment of mood disorders at the, had shown that ketamine induced dramatic improvement in treatment-resistant depression within two hours of infusion.

It was a landmark study, drawing attention among the psychiatric community and launching a new field of research into the use of ketamine to treat various mood and anxiety disorders. Rodriguez, intent on searching for better, faster treatment for her patients with OCD, took note. There was an emerging scientific theory that ketamine affects the levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain and increasing evidence that glutamate plays a role in OCD symptoms, she said.

Perhaps ketamine could help regulate OCD symptoms as well as depression.About three years after Rodriguez’s pilot study on the 24-year-old student with OCD, she and colleagues at Columbia published their results from the first clinical trial of ketamine in OCD patients. This trial randomized 15 patients with OCD to ketamine or placebo.Once again, the effect of ketamine was immediate. Patients reported dramatic decreases in their obsessive-compulsive symptoms midway through the 40-minute infusion, according to the study.

The diminished symptoms lasted throughout the following week in half of the patients. Most striking were comments by the patients quoted in the study: “I tried to have OCD thoughts, but I couldn’t,” said one. Another said, “I feel as if the weight of OCD has been lifted.” A third said, “I don’t have any intrusive thoughts. This is amazing, unbelievable. This is right out of a movie.”“Carolyn’s study was quite exciting,” Zarate said, adding that there were a number of similar, small but rigorous studies following his 2006 study that found fast-acting results using ketamine to treat bipolar disorder and PTSD.“We had no reason to believe that ketamine could wipe out any symptoms of these disorders within hours or days,” he said. Search for a safer drugVirtually all of the antidepressants used in the past 60 years work the same way: by raising levels of serotonin or one or two other neurotransmitters.

Ketamine, however, doesn’t affect serotonin levels. But exactly what it does remains unclear.Since coming to Stanford in 2015, Rodriguez has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health for a large clinical trial of ketamine’s effects on OCD.


This five-year trial aims to follow 90 OCD patients for as long as six months after they've been given a dose of ketamine or an alternative drug. Rodriguez and her research team want to observe how ketamine changes participants’ brains, as well as test for side effects from use of the drug.Ultimately, Rodriguez said, she hopes the study will lead to the discovery of other fast-acting drugs that work in the brain like ketamine but without its addictive potential. I just don’t like the idea of people being in pain.Recent research in the field indicates that the glutamate hypothesis that triggered her pilot study might be further refined.“Ketamine is a complicated drug that works on many different receptor sites,” she said. “Researchers have fixated on the NMDA receptor, one of the glutamate-type receptors, but it might not be the only receptor bringing benefit.”In May 2016, researchers from NIMH and the University of Maryland — Zarate among them — published a study conducted in mice showing that a chemical byproduct, or metabolite, created as the body breaks down ketamine might hold the secret to its rapid antidepressant actions.